At a certain point in your life you start to get the urge to do "Mom" type things. My most recent urge was to bake valentines cookies. I realize that Ayden doesn't eat sugar and would never be able to eat one but the heart wants what the heart wants!! I went to the store, got everything I would need and prepared to tackle my next Mom project.
Everything was going swimmingly until I realized, I hadn't purchased a cookie cutter. No heart shapes, arrows or cupids to be found. Fortunately my Mom had gotten me a joke cookie cutter for Christmas. One that at the time I swore would never be used in the Stewart House. Since I was up to my elbows in dough and hadn't been able to convince Nate to run to the store I caved. So here you go, my first embarrasing foray into holiday cookies. Mom and Dad will be so proud :)