Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catching Up

It must be time for my bi-monthly blog post!
It's been a very busy, very cold few months and I blame that for the fact that we haven't been taking many pictures. Who wants to see multiple pictures of us lounging around the house in warm clothes. The up-side of not using the heat to save energy is that we get to hang out in our PJ's a lot :)

Lucky we had a 3 day spell of wonderful warm weather last week and took immediate advantage by heading to the zoo. Not only is it a great little zoo but they have the coolest playground I've seen anywhere. There is a huge padded area for toddlers and despite the fact that some 8 year old hooligans kept knocking her over Addy had a great time in there.

Checking out the local fish exhibit. Turns out local fish are booooooring. Addy loved it though

She had a great moment with this turtle. It kept walking around and looking at her. Several times they were nose to nose through the glass

"Hi Turtur!"

The petting zoo was also a bit hit. She ran right up and started petting goats, almost throwing herself over the fence in the process

This kid has no fear of animals. These were big goats, with BIG horns and even after one knocked her down she was still in the thick of it, petting them all

Man, I have GOT to get a tan!!! To bad I passed my pasty pasty skin onto Addy. She'll have to learn to love it though. The poor kid gets slathered with sunscreen any time we leave the house.

Watching the monkeys.
You should see her monkey impersonation. Complete with sounds, chest beating and lots of jumping around

I can't get over how grown up she looks here. Where did my baby go?!?!

There are no animals here, just scummy pond water. She had to look at everything though!

Playing Zoo animal at home. She sat under the clothes basket and roared at us for about half an hour

Coming to give Mommy a kiss

She loves climbing into our cabinets. Most of them have kiddy locks on them but I left it off the Tupperware drawer so she could play in there. Now I need to teach her to re stack and put away all the Tupperware she pulls out :)

She'll pull the door closed and then jump out and scare us. If you're ever at our house and she does this make sure to dramatically scream, jump and fall on the floor in terror. She's going for the big reaction

This girl LOVES hats. As soon as we get home at night she finds one of about 8 and puts it on

Oh....My.....Goodness. The cuteness is to much to bear

All of our friends were over this night to play Catan (about 8 people in all) and she was sitting there "reading" to us all.

This is her FAVORITE outfit. Of course the required hat, her jack-o-lantern slippers that rattle and favorite polka dot pants.

We've also developed a new infatuation with sweeping. I'm not going to lie, I'm strongly supporting this hobby.

Is it bad that I want to get her little cleaning supplies for her birthday? Maybe a little duster? They even make a mini Elmo vacuum that actually works! I could use some help around the house :)


She doesn't' really play with her blocks yet but loves to knock them down when I play with them. Normally I can't get more than 2 stacked before Godzilla runs in and sends them flying. I had Nate hold her hostage in her room so I could build a huge castle with every block. The glee on her face at having that big of a castle to destroy was awesome :)

And that's all she wrote! Now that it's starting to warm up and we can go do things again I'm hoping to be more consistent with the pictures and posts. My parents are coming up in a few weeks to visit as well so plenty of great photo ops then


Jenny said...

Thanks for posting these Mar-ay. She is seriously the cutest thing ever. I'm sure everyone tells you that... and it's so so true.
She looks like such a fun little girlie.

La famille Marine said...

great pics, she really is adorable!!! Looks like you guys have fun even if you're stuck in the house over the winter :-) crazy kids are enough of an amusement! Love how you catch her great expressions and precious little face in these pics!!

Joslin3 said...

yay for new pics!!
she is growing up fast, and the baby definitely isn't there anymore!
she sure is cute. i think my fav was the pic as Addy was on her way to destroy the block castle...awesome :)