In March, after several months of good luck at work, I won the Dell Circle of Excellence Trip. Since we had JUST gotten back from the ski trip Nate couldn't get off of work. So my best friend Jess and I got to have a nice, all expense paid, girls week to San Diego! This was the view of the skyline as seen from our balcony. You can't actually see much since the blue water, blue ski and blue haze over the city all blend together.
This is directly below our balcony. All throughout the grounds were these beautiful hidden gardens.
By THIS!! So cool :)
We also had an amazing run in with a koala eating bamboo but the camera had died by then. Bottom line - San Diego is awesome. I could move there in a heartbeat. The weather, the people, the flowers and trees, the hot beach stone massage AHHHHHHHH
sooo jealous (and so glad you had a great, fun trip!!!) we really miss San Diego!
Ummmm... you were in CA and didn't call me? I know San Diego's a bit far... but still. We love San Diego too- we almost moved there not too long ago, but think we made the right decision as the area we were moving to (in Poway) burnt to the ground. :( Looks like you had fun!!!
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